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GOVI Browser

Browse the Global Ontology and Vocabulary Index easily.

Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine, International Version

RDF Version of the UMLS ontology SNMI; converted with the UMLS2RDF tool (, developed by the NCBO project....
Modified: 2023-11-06

Veterans Health Administration National Drug File

RDF Version of the UMLS ontology VANDF; converted with the UMLS2RDF tool (, developed by the NCBO project....
Modified: 2023-11-06

eLTER Controlled Lists

No summary available
Modified: 2023-11-06

ecosim ontology

No summary available
Modified: 2023-11-03


An ontology specifies terms that are used to annotate ontology terms for all OBO ontologies. The ontology was developed as part of Information Artifac...
Modified: 2023-11-02

Head and Neck Cancer - Clinical and Gene Ontology

No summary available
Modified: 2023-10-23


Grid2Onto is an application ontology that describes the observations (values, indicators, physical objects, etc.) collected from a power grid....
Modified: 2023-10-13

Industrial Ontologies Foundry Supply Chain Reference Ontology

Supply Chain Reference Ontology (SCRO) aims to represent the generic constructs (including classes and properties) related to the domain of supply cha...
Modified: 2023-10-10

KGRC Ontology

This vocabulary set can represent 5W1H (Who, What, When, Where, Why, How) in event (scene) descriptions. This file is also provided in Knowledge Graph...
Modified: 2023-10-08

Authentication Provider

Information about authentication providers which might be identity providers or other services such as ones providing JSON Web Tokens....
Modified: 2023-10-07
You are browsing the Global Ontology and Vocabulary Index (GOVI).
The data you see here is Public Domain (CC0 1.0 DEED) and can be downloaded at