Supplementary subclass assertions for gistCore....
Modified: 2024-05-20
No summary available
Modified: 2024-05-17
No summary available
Modified: 2024-05-14
The Coastal and Marine Ecological Classifcation Standard (CMECS) is a collection of terms and and defintions for classifying and describing aquatic en...
Modified: 2024-05-13
Definitions of IANA Media Types....
Modified: 2024-05-07
Defines prefix declarations, which pair a prefix with a namespace, used in the gist ontology....
Modified: 2024-05-07
RDF Version of the UMLS ontology ATC; converted with the UMLS2RDF tool (, developed by the NCBO project....
Modified: 2024-05-06
RDF Version of the UMLS ontology AIR; converted with the UMLS2RDF tool (, developed by the NCBO project....
Modified: 2024-05-06
RDF Version of the UMLS ontology CST; converted with the UMLS2RDF tool (, developed by the NCBO project....
Modified: 2024-05-06
RDF Version of the UMLS ontology CSP; converted with the UMLS2RDF tool (, developed by the NCBO project....
Modified: 2024-05-06
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