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GOVI Browser

Browse the Global Ontology and Vocabulary Index easily.

IOF Annotation Vocabulary

The IOF Annotation Vocabulary provides a set of OWL annotation properties for annotating IOF or other content with metadata to facilitate user and ont...
Modified: 2024-03-08

IOF Core Ontology

The IOF Core Ontology contains notions found to be common across multiple manufacturing domains....
Modified: 2024-03-08

Maintenance Reference Ontology

The Maintenance Reference Ontology supports modelling of concepts associated with asset reliability and maintenance management. It is relevant for dat...
Modified: 2024-03-08

HGNC New Releases Ontology

This OWL file is autogenerated by a program script called hgnc2owl ( that takes an input from the publicly availab...
Modified: 2024-03-04

Ontology of Core Data Mining Entities

The Information Artifact Ontology (IAO) is an ontology of information entities, originally driven by work by the OBI digital entity and realizable inf...
Modified: 2024-03-04

Ontology of Datatypes

This ontology contains entities such as: datatype, datatype generator, datatype qualiy and others giving the possibility to represent arbitrary comple...
Modified: 2024-03-04

Battery Interface Ontology

Ontology providing terms and relations needed to describe things, processes and data in the battery domain....
Modified: 2024-02-29

Knowledge Graph Change Language

A data model for describing change operations at a high level on an ontology or ontology-like artefact, such as a Knowledge Graph.* [Browse Schema](ht...
Modified: 2024-02-26

QUDT Decimal Prefixes

The Prefixes vocabulary defines the prefixes commonly prepended to units to connote multiplication, either decimal or binary....
Modified: 2024-02-26

QUDT Systems of Quantity Kinds

QUDT Systems of Quantity Kinds Vocabulary ....
Modified: 2024-02-26
You are browsing the Global Ontology and Vocabulary Index (GOVI).
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