Reference Generalized Ontological Model is a Smart Manufacturing ontology that provides a detailed unified model which takes the I4.0 domain knowledge...
Modified: 2024-01-23
DCAT is an RDF vocabulary designed to facilitate interoperability between data catalogs published on the Web....
Modified: 2024-01-18
The Gene Ontology (GO) provides a framework and set of concepts for describing the functions of gene products from all organisms.The OBO Relations Ont...
Modified: 2024-01-05
CPA 2.1 is the European version of the CPC 2.1 (Central Product Classifications of the United Nations) and with a structure based on NACE 2 according ...
Modified: 2024-01-04
No summary available
Modified: 2024-01-02
No summary available
Modified: 2024-01-02
No summary available
Modified: 2023-12-27
This ontology aims at modelling the cell-tower information for the AURORAL project....
Modified: 2023-12-22
This ontology aims at modeling the building energy consumption for the AURORAL project....
Modified: 2023-12-22
This ontology aims at modelling the logistic domain for the AURORAL project....
Modified: 2023-12-22
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