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GOVI Browser

Browse the Global Ontology and Vocabulary Index easily.

Occupation Ontology

This Occupaton Ontology (OccO) is an ontology in the domain of human occupaitons. Current OccO version is developed based on the US Bureau of Labor St...
Modified: 2023-09-01

No summary available
Modified: 2023-08-13

ASB-ING Ontology

The ASB-ING Ontology provides a framework for documenting and processing infrastructure inspection data in Linked Data formats. It is directly derived...
Modified: 2023-08-11

Breast cancer screening recommendation ontology

This ontology representes the knowledge about existing recommendations of different guidelines elaborated to prevent breast cancer. Guidelines focus o...
Modified: 2023-08-09


Modified: 2023-08-07


No summary available
Modified: 2023-08-07

Platform Material Digital Core Ontology (PMDco)

The PMD Core Ontology (PMDco) is a comprehensive framework for representing knowledge that encompasses fundamental concepts from the domains of materi...
Modified: 2023-08-02


Probably an ontology about automation engineering of modular systems in the process industry (source:
Modified: 2023-07-31

CODO: an Ontology for collection and analysis of COviD-19 data

No summary available
Modified: 2023-07-26

DIN 8580 Ontology-Design-Pattern

Its an ontology design pattern of DIN 8580, a German standard with a taxonomy of manufacturing processes....
Modified: 2023-07-18
You are browsing the Global Ontology and Vocabulary Index (GOVI).
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