Modified: 2023-05-25
The FAIR Digital Object Framework Ontology (FDOF-O) is an OWL ontology designed to support the semantic annotation of FAIR Information Objects and FAI...
Modified: 2023-05-19
The COGITO Safety ontology aims at modelling the safety of the construction domain....
Modified: 2023-05-16
The Evidence Graph ontology extends core concepts from the W3C Provenance Ontology PROV-O and Bioschemas Profiles to describe evidence for correctness...
Modified: 2023-05-15
An ontology for metadata about legal texts represented using the LegalHTML format...
Modified: 2023-05-14
The Physicalistic Interpretation of Modelling and Simulation - Interoperability Infrastructure (PIMS-II) is a mid-level ontology with a focus on docum...
Modified: 2023-05-14
No summary available
Modified: 2023-05-14
This ontology is based on OpcUaNodeset-Ontology (from fortiss),just a couple of things were edited because authors are using this ontology in an execu...
Modified: 2023-05-12
The vocabulary used by the Solid Notifications Protocol specification....
Modified: 2023-05-11
It is a domain ontology for molecular materials....
Modified: 2023-05-10
You are browsing the Global Ontology and Vocabulary Index (GOVI).
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