Filtered by Name equals Entity OR Ancestor Name equals Entity OR Is Property...
Modified: 2024-09-15
No summary available
Modified: 2024-09-15
The ontology for the Anatomy of the Insect SkeletoMuscular system (AISM) contains terms used to describe the cuticle - as a single anatomical structur...
Modified: 2024-09-15
A collection of biological attributes (traits) covering all kingdoms of life. Interoperable with VT (vertebrate trait ontology) and TO (plant trait on...
Modified: 2024-09-15
No summary available
Modified: 2024-09-15
Many thanks to Chris Mungall (LBNL), Elvis Hsin-Hui Wu (University of Arizona), Gail Gasparich (Towson University), and Gordon Burleigh (University of...
Modified: 2024-09-15
I would set treat-xrefs-as-equivalent but there are some weird xrefs that would break that behaviour (PRIDE:PRIDE, value-type:xsd:string, ...)...
Modified: 2024-09-15
PROCO (PROcess Chemistry Ontology) is a formal ontology that aims to standardly represent entities and relations among entities in the domain of proce...
Modified: 2024-09-15
Ontology of species-neutral phenotypes observed in pathogen-host interactions....
Modified: 2024-09-15
PLANA, the PLANarian Anatomy Ontology, encompasses the anatomy of developmental stages and adult biotypes of Schmidtea mediterranea....
Modified: 2024-09-15
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